Integrating AI in Your Multi-Channel Marketing Strategy | Engati

5 min readJul 30, 2020


Reuters reports that digital marketing budgets has surged in the last couple of years, with companies across the globe spending a combined$100 billion (₹7.5 trillion) to bolster their digital marketing efforts.Companies have quickly realised that digital marketing allows them an unprecedented amount of access to their consumers. Digital marketing allows companies to speak directly to their customer base via social media, search engine optimisation, targeted content, and more.

Now, you can’t talk about digital marketing andnot touch on the importance of multi-channel marketing and how vital it is to modern marketing campaigns.

For those of you who don’t know, the most basic definition of multi-channel marketing is that it is the implementation of a unified strategy across different mediums. Some common examples are email, print, social media, mobile apps, and SMS.

Marketing experts from Inc highlight how important multi-channel marketing is. As only investing in one channel can significantly hamper your results by limiting the number of people you reach.

While we have technological advancements to thank for these new developments, there is still so much more we can do when it comes to improving our multi-channel marketing strategies. What’s catching on is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Entrepreneur India highlights that AI’s role will be vital when it comes to digital marketing solutions. It will handle customer data management, predictive analysis, and real-time data analysis.

Here are a 3 ways to integrate AI into your multi-channel marketing strategy!

Better Optimisation

CREDIT: Pexels

When it comes to AI and multi-channel marketing, optimisation is the name of the game. One of the biggest advantages that artificial intelligence brings to the table is providing a significant bump when it comes to the efficiency of your marketing campaign. Venture Beat details that real-time optimisation is a great help to any campaign, as it enables continuous decision-making.

Essentially, AI can basically run parts of your campaign for you, allowing certain elements of it to change depending on the user currently interacting with it.

One way you can integrate AI into your multi-channel marketing campaign and boost efficiency is to go the Amazon route and use AI to come up with product recommendations. The AI does this by utilising user data — in this case, what they’ve previously bought or items they reviewed positively — and making product recommendations. These recommendations could be of items that are either similar to past purchases, or items that algorithms predict the user may want based off of the data collected. Not only does this optimise your marketing campaign, but it is also likely to increase engagement thanks to the element of personalisation.

Getting the Most Out of Your Data‍

Big Data has changed how we approach marketing these days. Utilising data lets us know what our target market cares about and how we can use this to our advantage to bridge the gap between our services and their needs. Unfortunately, due to the massive amount of data we generate, it cannot be interpreted by humans alone — at least not efficiently enough.

This is where AI comes in: By feeding data intoAI, they can identify trends and significant occurrences and come up with the optimal responses and strategies. In the case of multi-channel marketing, this can translate to better insights on your social media posts, which will give you a better pulse on the state of the current market.

However, this doesn’t mean that the AI will be doing all the work. Data experts from the Harvard Business School highlight how companies nowadays lack the strategy to use big data efficiently and effectively. Despite becoming much easier to collect data nowadays, companies still lack the expertise to wield this data to its full extent.

This is why digital marketing agency Ayima highlights how consultancy and technology go hand in hand when it comes to producing tangible results. Having experts by your side to navigate the maze that is the digital world will greatly improve your marketing campaign. Hence, it’s still important to have the right personnel handling your campaigns alongside the use of AI.

‍Machine Learning to Predict Trends

As we’ve previously mentioned, AI also has the ability to predict trends using data collected from your target market. The way that you can use this for your multi-channel marketing campaign is to utiliseAI to gauge how well content will perform. This is done through the use of predictive engines that are useful for both analysis and foresight. Maximising the use of these tools can make all the difference when it comes to converting a potential customer into a sale, significantly boosting your marketing efforts.

As we have already talked about in our article on the ‘5 Things You Need To Know About AI andDigital Marketing’, artificial intelligence can not only help you come up with the best content — it also identifies the best place for you to put the said content. It does this through the combination of user data and the data concerning how your previous content has performed. It then takes these two factors and establishes patterns, thus coming up with away to make a more effective advertisement.

About the Author

Alisha Robert is a UK-based tech blogger with a penchant for AI and the study of how data can be used to better our world today. In her free time she can be found walking her dogs.

Originally published at

